Sunday, January 27, 2008


Thought I would update on my Co2 lowering ambitions.

What I wanted to do in January to get me started:

- Drive less? how much less? I don't drive that much but more than someone who doesn't right? Maybe 50% less for now and work towards reducing bus use also (get a bike - maybe later in the year)
- For the month of Jan - be 90% vegan. Because farming meat and dairy is right up there in the high emission stakes (‘A new report to warn the livestock industry generates 8 per cent of all UK greenhouse gas emissions’(Guardian Nov 07). Now this is really about me changing my habits and to be more thoughtful about my consumption.
- Turn off lights, recycle etc (I do this already – but you know do it more!!)
- Stop having baths!! (I love bathing and reading a good book in a hot bath is bliss to me but I know it's unnecessary - I mean I'll shower - occasionally:-)

What happened:

- Well first couple of weeks I drove less then life got the better of me and I drove virtually everyday last week - will keep trying but feel like some incentive or flex with my employers might help.
- I am rubbish vegan! but pretty good at being vegetarian - I haven't bought meat for home and haven't eaten it other than a couple of meals out since xmas. I have lowered my dairy intake but just love cheese.
- Been good at turning off lights, heating. Thanks to Birmingham City Council my recycling just got a whole lot easier to continue doing.
- Baths. Did I say how much I love to bathe? It's the reading aspect mainly. And I am ashamed to say that this one went right out of the window but I read a couple of great books and will only/mainly shower in Feb.

So anyway I'll continue trying, being a bit more aware of my actions.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years resoloutions

Okay last month I blogged about Climate change and the cultural industries. Well it got me thinking. If I'm an average West Midlander then my Co2 emissions will be something around 11 tonnes per annum and in order to meet our local targets I, as all others in the region, need to reduce this to 3!

So here's the thing - I'm going to give it a go. Or at least make some changes to my lifestyle. So what are my NY resolutions?

- Drive less? how much less? I don't drive that much but more than someone who doesn't right? Maybe 50% less for now and work towards reducing bus use also (get a bike - maybe later in the year)
- For the month of Jan - be 90% vegan. Because farming meat and dairy is right up there in the high emission stakes (‘A new report to warn the livestock industry generates 8 per cent of all UK greenhouse gas emissions’(Guardian Nov 07). Now this is really about me changing my habits and to be more thoughtful about my consumption.
- Turn off lights, recycle etc (I do this already – but you know do it more!!)
- Stop having baths!! (I love bathing and reading a good book in a hot bath is bliss to me but I know it's unnecessary - I mean I'll shower - occasionally:-)

What else? Thinking about unnecessary energy waste

- Stop blow-drying my hair
- Don’t start ironing!!
- Stop buying lattes in paper cups!
- Carry on not separating whites and just do big old mixed washes at low temps and just work the whole grey vibe

Anyway I'm sure there's much more I could do - sometime I'll actually do the calculations and blog about this all at more length. You see I'm off to my brothers wedding in NZ in Feb that will well and truly screw my ‘carbon allowance’ for the year. But the thing is I'm imagining that at some point there is bound to be some sort of rationing or a carbon allowance imposed - I mean presumably - right? so it would be nice to choose (own) this rather than have it inflicted.