Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How not to drive your kid to school...

I noticed an interesting posting on Stef Lewandowski site about the need to reduce Co2 and his thoughts on the scourge of the 4x4. It reminded me of something - a little story of seriously selfish car usage.

A few months ago when walking my daughter to school (in the same leafy streets of Moseley/kingsheath that he mentions) I noticed a really odd scenario. It took me a few days of witnessing bits of the scenario to figure out what was happening. And then one morning as we reached the exit of the cul-de-sac where we live a large SUV blocked the end of the road. At the same time a very little girl (must have been about 5 yrs old as was smaller than my then smallish 6 yr old) crossed the road on a scooter (a child's scooter), once she had crossed the vehicle moved on, very slowly, and then I realised. The car housed the parent. The parent was kerb crawling their child to school!!

This to me was wrong on so many levels.

-The pure selfishness, blocking the road and then continuing to drive at 5mph in order to accompany a child
-The lesson this offered the child i.e. this as an acceptable way to be accompanied to school - god knows if we all went this way
-The general safety of the child and others on the road
-And really - is it necessary ever to drive such a big vehicle on such tiny back streets of Birmingham in such an uneconomical way?

Anyway I for one would welcome a reduction of vehicles on the road (see Stef's posting), it would make the buses more usable and the prospect of cycling safer. But there are other issues that need addressing. Employers need to be more flexible about home working. Also more flexible about start times, possibly rewarding cyclists/public transport users in someway.

The thing that's weird is that there is still some kudos in driving and in driving such obviously fuel gussling and damaging vehicles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Unbelievable!" was my first reaction, but thinking about it a bit more it's not really.

Many people pointed out how easy it was to get around during Half Term - that's evidence enough for the impact the school run has on the city.

This is more like the 'school crawl'!